Wednesday, January 18, 2012

An Ode To Smokers

Couldn't study, so wrote a poem on carcinoma. 

A stained incisor fractures your smile.
A stain on your pride, a stab on your glory.
Thick fog encircles your profile,
a dose, a dozen, to reveal your story.

You knew the risk, great was the desire,
now inhale and exhale the wrath of your lungs.
Oh, can the dying muscle not express your dire?
Flat expressions are your replacement tongues.

Open your ears and hear your breath scream,
feel the painful invasion of your body with no redeem.
An addiction, a pleasure costing a life,
today selfish excuses cut through like a knife.

Ignorance and greed take you to death,
embrace it gladly, show no contempt.
For the chances were there all the time,
had the fumes even invaded your mind?


♥●• İzdihër •●♥ said...

so beautiful.Keep it up.

Follow each other.

Deviation said...

I'm dying just by reading the "A Smokers Death" Poem. :P

But I like the rhyme scheme ^^

quartertoinsane said...

nicely written... these "couldn't study" moments should happen more often :P

Ph_ said...

Yeah I couldn't study but instead of writing I read your poem. Cool :D

PurpleMist. said...

Nice poem!

Ash said...

You possess major skillage. Well played.

... said...

Just the thing I needed to show my Dad. Thank You so much for writing this.

Preeti S. said...

Brilliant poem. Loved it!