Tuesday, February 14, 2012

This Valentine's Day - How To Survive Being Single

Do you see red balloons, red hearts, red gift wrappers, red roses, cute teddy bears, chocolates and feel the beating hearts everywhere (now that's corny)? Yeah, yeah it's the much awaited Valentine's Day. If you are in a cute-puppy-eyes-holding-hands-OMGIloveyou relationship, yay for you, but those who are single or 'feel' single these days (happens to the best of us), I only want to say 'awwwww'. Just kidding. As I said happens to the best of us. Enjoy it while it lasts. Go on wear red (or whatever you like), eat chocolates (or whatever you like) and hang out with your friends and family (or your dogs, cats, mice and teddy bears).

Yes it may really suck when you so want a cute-puppy-eyes-holding-hands-OMGIloveyou relationship. So what you must not do:

- Don't fret over it. Couples holding hands in your college? Ouch. Bunch of roses for your best friends? Double ouch! Best friends going on a date. Oh no. But hey, don't be jealous. Realize everyone is not a (and doesn't have) Romeo/Juliet. Be patient and wait for the right person. Till then dance alone (or with your other singles friends) <-- much fun!

- Don't be a third wheel. Trust me it's going to be so much better if you hide in your closet and cry rather than hanging out with a cute-puppy-eyes-holding-hands-OMGIloveyou couple.

Told you so.

-Don't ruin things for your friends. <-- single and friendless??? No, we won't want that.

- Don't let your (annoying) friends pressurize you. Blind date? <-- Umm, no. Don't think so. If you're really desperate, like REALLY REALLY desperate, you can go (Oh, but come on!!)

- Don't send flowers to yourself just to show-off <-- everyone knows the truth anyway.

Now, what you must remember:

- Valentine's Day is not only for couples. It's for all of us. Get that?????

- You don't have to buy a special gift for the significant-other.

- You can do whatever you please. Be a slob, be fat, be thin, be cute, be grumpy, be a flirt. Nobody cares.

- Singles Awareness (or Appreciation) Day is a day for you! Now how cool is that!!!! I know, I know, it is not that cool. Still you should go on and enjoy it. You might find the love of your life celebrating it too. <-- fat chance. Huh.

- This one, I read on some site 'If you are single because of a recent loss, allow this to be a day of grieving. Do not pretend that it’s not a hard day. Get support and sympathy'.

- Valentine's Day is actually about making money. How many roses and chocolates one can sell! Go on, open a shop and get rich ASAP. Plus, as you're single you're saving money, too. Yay. <-- Yay!!!!!

- Have freaking fun with your other single friends. Or with your cat  <-- Kitty party.

- Blog about it and wait for nice comments.

Hearts for all. Happy Singles Awareness and Valentine's day.

Sidrah xx o(^-^)


A Great Liar said...

Well, well, some interesting points to ponder when taking the "dive" come the dreaded Monday. Nice post, keep writing.

Sadiya Merchant said...

u cud also go to college, sit wid ur single frns n rate d couples around on a scale of ten n predict their likely fate *like who dumps who kinda cheap thrills...u get d drift rite?*

also, me thinks nobody really wants a romeo or a juliet...i mean ye love shove to thik hai bt better be single dan die in d end u kno *angel xpression*

hav a grt day! :)

S. said...

ROFL nice post. :)

Ph_ said...

I love the post. Being single is a blessing (in a way :P Or not :P lol). Well said *happens to the best of us*

shakeel said...

nice post.

Furree Katt said...

haha loved this! :D
i don't know anyone celebrating, though. otherwise i would totally be in Make-Fun-of-Every-Couple-Around mode.

S. said...

This post cheered me uppp, lol, andd made me laugh =D Love the pics and the little red comments.
IMGONNAKILLYOU, you puppy-eyezers. =P

Maryam said...

I'm in a cute-puppy-eyes-holding-hands-OMGIloveyou relationship but today was one of the LOUSIEST day ever!! Your post made me laugh though. Love you for that =)

AL said...

Lol... Nicee posttt :)

Komal Ali said...

The best V-Day post I've read so far. :p

Anonymous said...

dude, this post made my day. great job. :D
i'm celebrating with my imaginary boyfriend, though. LOL JUST KIDDING. hahaha. ;P
eh, i don't care much about vday. today felt like a normal, somewhat disgusting (because of the couples) day.
happy single awareness day to ya. :)

Sidrah said...

i don't know.. I would like a modern-day romeo =D

Sidrah said...


you should ve seen my uni -_- *puke*

yay for you =)
lousy days happen =/

thanku everyone =)

Maryam A. said...

Hahaha Awesome post.
Yay, I am happy to realize there are many singles out there, like me :P
P.s I love your blog. Good work!

Maryam A. said...

Hahaha Awesome post.
Yay, I am happy to realize there are many singles out there, like me :P
P.s I love your blog. Good work!

Sidrah said...

thanku =D

Dawson said...

I wanted to sell flowers today, cuz
'I wanna be a billionaire, so frkkin' bad' :P

But seriously, I found out a lot about S.A.D from this post.
Awesome blog!

Unknown said...

thank for following me,
I'm follow u back.
nice post...
and we could be friend
feel free to always visit me and leave some nice comment.
have a good day

Cole Garrett said...

Thanks for stopping by my blog, Dry Humor Daily. :) I thought I'd return the favor and follow/come-check-out yours.

Eeshie said...

"Blog about it and wait for nice comments."



ShanimalsCrackers.blogspot.com said...

Cute post. I definitely hate being the third wheel...or going on blind dates so those wouldn't work for me.

Newest follower!

Blasphemous Aesthete said...

If you are single because of a recent loss, allow this to be a day of grieving. Do not pretend that it’s not a hard day. Get support and sympathy'.

Lol, I want to sympathized somebody.
Yes, this day is not just for those couples, it is for everyone, for Us.

Nice read.

Blasphemous Aesthete

majworld said...

u hve won hearts of all singles by writing this post :p

Anonymous said...

lollllzzzzz.... awesome :)
here i get to knw y u didn't came college today :P

Farhan Jalil said...

damn i should've read this blog earlier....otherwise my day wouldn't have been so miserable :P......btw very nice blog

S. said...

Where are you?
Why you no blog :(