Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Elf goes Pink again!

UPDATE: I have changed it. I like Cute, too =o

OMG! It is Pink again (not my color) and the layout doesn't really go with the title. However I like it, I like colorful and neat (is this neat?). Don't be surprised if you find the old template back, though.

I have been very busy (usually doing nothing). I hadn't had a wink of sleep on Sunday night. I went to college looking like a zombie, came back home, tried to sleep but could not. I slept around at 4:00 AM yesterday. Finally. It was horrible. It was like I had forgotten how to sleep, and oh, I missed Sehri and college today.

It will be raining Module Tests from thursday till God knows when. Pathology, Pharmacology, Oral Anatomy and Community Dentistry define my life these days. Thousands of diseases to study, millions of drugs to memorize and to understand their mechanism of actions is pure torture! Rattafying tooth morphology is my least favourite. Oral Anatomy, you suck. We have trips in Communty Dentistry, which were only fun at first, we go to schools, colleges and camps to check kid's oral hygiene. Most of them make me wish I wasn't studying BDS. "People, there'a a thing called toothbrush" I want to scream. Some of the little kids are real cute though, if you don't mind their oral cavity.
I wish I were a chef instead of a medical student. I love food. I have promised myself - right now - I will take cooking classes as soon as I am done with college.


I am feeling good enough but unreal. There's a strange buzz going on around me and the things don't seem bright, they are unnaturally dull. It's like I am underwater. So heavy. I have a sore throat too.

Eid is not far. I haven't started shopping yet thanks to my lazy parents. My list which I had so lovingly written seems useless, I have changed my mind, I don't want those sutff now. I will be spontaneous. I will buy what I like right then! (If my parents allow)

Serendipity is a nice movie (yes, I have seen it Now). I have a crush on younger John Cusack *sigh* ..Reading Dan Brown's Digital Fortress. He writes awfully good.

I love good pictures Oo

Sidrah xx o(^-^)o


Rooj Siddiqui said...

Well, the layout is perfect, at least I like it. Pink is always our color :) looks completely purr-fecct!
And oh, we have a dentist here. Best of luck with all those absurd names of diseases I would never be able to pronounce or spell correctly =p
Serendipity is indeed an amazing movie, lil John Cusack looks sexy in that one.
Eid is not too far baby, you should lag behind your parents otherwise you won't be able to get your hands on good stuff, bazaars are awfully rushed these days!

WhiteOrchid said...

Serendipity is an amazing movie! Good luck with your tests and ramadan kareem :)

Ishi said...

hey..nice busy life gal..goodluck for ur module tests..though its sad that they are scheduled near festive times..hope u do well..
dan brown truly writes great..go through his angels and demon too,its a good read..:-)..
n ya..happy shopping:-P

Ph_ said...

I love pictures to sometimes I wish to post just images =p LOl
Okie bunch of good luck wishes for your module test :) Eww seriously are their mouths in such a bad condition ? :S Gross then !
*sighs with you* I've not started even the S in shopping :S although I do not want to celebrate eid this year thinking of keeping it all simple !
Well I like you new layout :)

Anonymous said...

So u r the one, who ll gono play with teeths of poor patients in few years :p nice layout..enjoy the college..

Sidrah said...

Look, I will keep changing the layout now =o

Tazeen said...

Love your layout! Really! :) But more than that, I loved reading this blog post *wondering what it feels like to be a med school student*

I wish I had a dentist like you when I was younger. You know what that means :P

P.S.: I love nice pictures too! Love the ones you put here especially of the girl in the yellow dress! <3

Sidrah said...

it is merely annoying to amazing =D you get to know so many new things about your body.. daily!

DeviantArt rocks =P hope they won't sue me!

Sarang said...

This layout is better than the previous one. And oh! Medical terms again *scratches head* I can't even pronunce them. And good luck for your module test =)

Sidrah said...

yes, i like this one too =)
thanku ^^

Hera Khoso said...

Hey! I was going through this post of yours and thinking that at times I do wish I was a doctor. But then again who would be doing what Im doing today then :P......I guess we are all made for something. However do enjoy this life! Im sure you've heard it a million times but college life rocks completely!! You'll miss it!

Maryam said...

Finally working! your comment box, I mean.
DeviantArt is awesome and so are you!
Digital fortress is awesome too.So is BDS and pink and college and Eid.
I think I'll stop now =P

Sidrah said...

what are you doing?? =o
yes i probably will miss it but it can get hectic =)

now that was an awesome comment =P

thanku ^^

Anonymous said...

dentists are strange

Sidrah said...

and you are? Oo

S. said...

Pink is sexy, cute and it works no matter what! =D It is a feel good color *i'm wearing a pink ring abhi*
I love your layouts wese bhi, cos we have a somewhat similar taste.
I got a new toothbrush. Can't wait for my dental check up by you know who.! =D
Love the pictures. Love u..
ps: my color is rainbow!

Sidrah said...

Pink is good but just not enuff =o you cannot have pink always (I mean, I'
I love all the cloros ^^ nice blue, cute yellow, hot red and sometimes green too =)

Yay! Hope your check up goes well =o

^^ <3