Thursday, September 16, 2010


Once upon a time when there was no Edward and Jacob to distract girls, lived Glow in her little white cottage with a red thatched roof. In those days, mothers would read their girls bedtime stories about ever lasting love, filling their minds with love and love, making them a hopeless romantic. They would assure their daughters that someday when they will be the beauties of the village, the prince would come riding on a horse, just for their hand for marriage. He would be the most handsome man in the world, a complete gentleman, not to mention the richest. Glow had believed so too. Since the day she turned sixteen, she had dressed everyday in her best Sunday frock, her hair set neat and silky in a pile, a beautiful pearl necklace framing her tiny neck. Every morning as she would go down for breakfast, her mother would cry out in happiness. Glow looked breath taking.

'My child! You are beautiful,' her mother, Olive, would hug her tightly, tears welling up in her eyes. She was one proud mother. She still couldn't believe that she played a big part making this beauty for she was no looker herself, however her prince had come too. He was a farmer's son, not the most handsome nor the richest but a thorough and thorough gentleman. She loved her Richard. She was sure her daughter would have a real prince herself.

Until now. Glow turned 20 and there was no sign of the prince. She grew tired of dressing everyday and was back to her old tomboy look. Olive wasn't taking this well. She still had hope but how will anybody fall in love with her daughter when she looked like a 13 year old boy?

'Glow, you need to shed these clothes and wear the purple gown I bought last week'

'No, mother. I am tired of these games' her daughter looked content and smiled a little. She was very disheartened before that there had been no prince for her. The stories she grew up with and what she truly believed in were all fake words. Now she knew the prince doesn't always come looking, the princess had to do some work too. She was working on it.

There was this Timmy, the farmer's son she had a crush on. There was John who made her blush. There was Fred, her almost best friend and there were others except The Prince but of course he was taken by Cinderella, Snow White, Bell, Princess Aurora and the others. She got over it. Glow was a happy girl.

..but the happy ending can be in your hands <3

Bored out of mind. Decided to wrote this senseless story. Books are my fate these days. Where are you guys? I see no comments (what I mean is Less comments). By the way, this picture made me laugh.
click to enlarge ^^
Sidrah xx o(^-^)o


quartertoinsane said...

A time wid out edward and jacob... now those were the days...

Ess.See. said...

Seriously, I miss how simple life used to be 'once upon a time'.

Anonymous said...

Wow... I loved it... =)

S. said...

Hawww, I love this <3
Yes. Waiting for some Charming Prince is futile. And weird. And SO not fun.

I like the ending.. "There was this Timmy, the farmer's son she had a crush on. There was John who made her blush. There was Fred, her almost best friend.."


Tazeen said...

The story made me laugh. :D Hehehe... Prince Charmings do not exist! :O

Ubaid said...

lol why do you hate edward so much?? :P

محمد طارق راحیل said...

nice shearing ....................

Anonymous said...

Haha!! I loved the whole thing :D

Sidrah said...

@ quartertoinsane

very much tiring -___-


Sidrah said...

i dont hate Edward .. =o
am neutral abt him!

thanku all =)

Divaa Divine said...

ahh nice read :)

Sidrah said...

thanku =]

majworld said...

LOL..nice post :) u hve the talent to write for khawateen digest :p

Sidrah said...

I would love to but my urdu sucks =P

ph_the princess said...

lol no Edward and Jack ;p See every other girl is ready to be a blood drinking beast for the sake of their Ehms lol hahaaha

a nice story :) actually it is the happening of every era where girls knit dreams of their Mr. perfect ....
lol the picture is awesome :D

Keep writing such stories :P

P.S. sorry for the late comment :)

Sidrah said...

geee =P
thanku <3

Dreams Dewller said...

gr8 post througly liked it :)

• » ∂я.¢нιℓє ¢нєℓ¢ « • said...

loved d post;)
esp no edward n jacob part;)

Sidrah said...
